कलौ चण्डी विनायकौ - Kalau Chandi Vinayakau

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

With apāra karuna of Guru mandalams and Sri Chandika Mahalakshmi, we were able to complete 117 Chandi Homams in the last 48 days just in Toronto. When we planned for doing Chandi Homams in Toronto for Laksha Chandi Sankalpam in July 2021, little did we know that we would be completing 100 + Chandi Homams within a span of 48 days in Toronto - a Sahasrachandi in itself!

Our heartfelt gratitude to all the disciples in Toronto for all the support and enthusiasm they showed during these Homams, without their assistance at every step we could not have moved further towards our goal.

It is now going to be almost a year since we took the Laksha Chandi Sankalpam. It was during Vinayaka Chaturthi in August 2020 that BPA disciples took the Sankalpam to perform 110,000 Chandi Parayanams and 1000 Chandi Homams. Last year around this time, we were overwhelmed with the target numbers and did not know if we had the capabilities to achieve this Maha Sankalpam. But all our BPA kulā from around the world came together and with their dedication and monumental support along with the encouragement and support from Sri Vidya disciples from different Guru Paramparas, today after a year, we are close to completing 90,000 Chandi Parayanams and 582 Chandi Homams.

We will be continuing Chandi Parayanam and Homams towards Laksha Chandi Sankalpam this weekend in New Jersey, USA. On Friday, Sept 3rd at 6PM EST, we will be doing Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam followed by Sri Chandi Homam on Saturday, Sept 4th and Sunday, Sept 5th at 8:30 AM EST. These events will be streamed live on our YouTube channel. Please find the links below to join us virtually and be sure to log your Parayanam count if you chanted along with us.

Laksha Chandi Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam on Friday, Sept 3rd at 6PM EST : https://youtu.be/f07Vwms_XBs

Laksha Chandi Homam on Saturday, Sept 4th at 8:30AM EST: https://youtu.be/r1E7iWecaGs

Laksha Chandi Homam on Sunday, Sept 5th at 8:30 AM EST: https://youtu.be/3r4xJxnaqks

In Kali Yuga, it is said that Vinayaka and Chandi are the two manifestations of ParaBrahman that will give immediate relief for human suffering - “Kalau Chandi Vinayakau”

We will be offering our gratitude and prayers to Lord Maha Ganapati this Vinayaka Chaturthi day on September 10, 2021 for being with us as we make progress towards the Laksha Chandi Sankalpam.

On September 10 at 8AM EST (5:30PM IST/ 5 AM PST/ 7 AM CST), we will be starting with Maha Ganapati Chaturavritti Tarpanam followed by Maha Ganapati Homam. There are 10 important dravyams offered in Maha Ganapati Homam, like Dhoorva grass, Modakam, sugarcane, Coconut, Banana, Rice Flour, Sesame etc. We will be doing homam with 108 counts of each of these dravyams this year.

Sri Maha Ganapati Chaturavritti Tarpanam & Homam on September 10 at 8AM EST (5:30PM IST/ 5 AM PST/ 7 AM CST) : https://youtu.be/YnKDFU8K_MM

Let us all join together to invoke Sri Maha Ganapathi this Ganesha Chaturthi day and seek his Blessings to be with us through this journey for the sake of Loka Kalyanam.
