Guru Aradhana and Sharada Navaratri Invitation

Dear devotees,

With the blessings of our Guru and Maha Shodashi, we were all blessed to complete this year Shata Chandi homam in Toronto, Canada and Chandi homam and Sri Vidya homam in Houston, Dallas, Denver, Princeton, Brantford and Phoenix during the months of April 2016 to September 2016. Please click here to view some of the pictures from this year's events.

Starting this week, we are celebrating the Aradhana of our Guru Sri Vimarshananda Nathendra Saraswathi Swamigal and Sharada Navaratra Utsavam. Special events have been planned in the Chennai and Toronto Ashrams. Please click here to view the program details.

Due to the overwhelming encouragement and support of devotees, we have started various online classses via Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram Youtube channel. These videos can be accessed by all devotees interested in learning Vedas, Lalitha Sahasra Nama, Lalitha Trisathi and many other Upanishads and Shlokas. Please subscribe to the Youtube channel here to receive regular updates and notifications for new videos. 

We thank you for your endless support and encouragement in pursuit of Devi Upasana and pray to our Guru and Maha Shodashi Devi to bless all of us.


Raghu Ranganathan

Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram

Toronto, Canada