Join us for Ten Week Sādhana on Soundaryalahari!

With the benign blessings of Bhagawatpāda Adi Shankarāchārya and our Guru Parampara, we will be learning Soundarya Lahari starting this Sunday at 7.30 PM IST (India time), 6AM PST / 9 AM EST.

Every week we will have five classes Sunday to Thursday at the same time. Classes will be for about 30 minutes. We will be learning the stotram in two ways. First we will learn how to chant the stotram correctly with proper pronunciation. Then we will learn in a musical way.

Soundarya Lahari has 100 verses and we will learn every set of 10 verses in one Rāgā. Thus we will have 10 set of Rāgās for chanting the entire Soundarya Lahari. We will use the same set of Rāgās we used for our Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram.

Smt. Priya Paramesh from California, an exponent in Carnatic Music, an ardent devotee of Devi and devoted disciple of Bhāskara Prakāsha Ashram, will be teaching us the stotram in musical way. She will be assisted by Sri Paramesh Gopi, Smt Mahinta Karthik and Sri Karthik Lakshmi Narayanan.

At the end of each verse we will give a brief meaning and discuss about its relevance to Srividya Upasana.

As our samarpanam to Adi Shankaracharya, let us do the Soundaryalahari sādhanā together for the next 10 weeks. If Devi wills, we will perform a global recitation of Soundarya Lahari on May 6th, 2022, on the Sankara Jayanthi day.

Further details about this class is on this YouTube recording below:

Let's learn Shyāmala Dandakam during Shyāmala Navarātri!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha.

The first nine nights of worship during the lunar month of Magha are dedicated to Raja Matangi and are also called Gupta Navaratri and Shyamala Navaratri. Raja Matangi, also called Raja Shyamala, is the Prime Minister of Maha Tripurasundari. In Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam, Shyamala devi, who is blue in color, is referred to as Mantrini, and she rides the chariot Geyachakra attending Maha Tripurasundari (GeyachakrarathAruDha mantriNi parisevitA)

Shyamala Devi governs speech, music, knowledge, and the arts. Her worship is prescribed to acquire supernatural powers which include: gaining control over enemies, attracting people to oneself, acquiring mastery over the arts, and gaining supreme knowledge. One who approaches Maha Tripurasundari after availing the grace of Raja Matangi is certain to attain the grace of mahArAjni, without a doubt.

With blessings of our Gurumandala and Devi, we completed the extensive study of Sarva Siddhikari Stotram, also called Devi Stuti, based on the commentary written by Sri Bhaskararaya at the beginning of his magnum opus work Setubandha.  You can find the playlist of these sessions here:

Now, during this auspicious Shyamala Navaratri, we will be learning Shyamala Dandakam, one of the greatest stotras written by the great poet Mahakavi Kalidasa, which eulogizes the Goddess Shyamala Devi. Dandakam is a style of poetry where some lines have more than 26 syllables and it almost resembles prose.

We will be teaching this stotra in a musical way where the verses are set to tune in different ragas by Late Sri K.S. Kameswaran who was our Guru Sri Sri VImarshananada Nathendra Swamigal’s poorvāsrama brother. He was a great exponent of Carnatic Classical Music and was well versed in Sanskrit apart from being a Sri Vidya Upasaka.

These classes will be streamed live starting first day of Navaratri starting February 1st in North America at 5:30PM (February 2nd at 7AM IST) through our Youtube channel.

As we celebrate the auspicious nine nights of Shyamala Navaratri, let's bow down to the Supreme Goddess and seek her blessings for the welfare of the universe.

Wish you all a blessed New Year 2022!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha! Sri Maatre Namaha!

Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and progressive New Year 2022! With our Gurunathas blessings and all of your support and best wishes, we had a very active and a blessed 2021. As we look back, the whole world welcomed 2021 with a lot of trepidation and uncertainty as the Pandemic was still looming. For a lot of us, the Sankalpam for the Laksha Chandi was the antidote that gave us hope and a sense of purpose. Chandi gave us courage, self confidence and peace to deal with difficult times.

We started the year with the Laksha Chandi Yagna Homams at Bangalore and during the auspicious Maagha Gupt Navaratri at Chennai in our Ashram. Thanks to enthusiastic participation of Devi Upasakas around the world, by the beginning of March, we had completed 50,000 parayanams towards the Laksha Chandi Homa Sankalpam. With the blessings of our Guru Mandala and the boundless grace of Sri Chandi Mahalakshmi, for the first time ever, BPA disciples performed 26 hours of continuous (Akhanda) chanting of Adhyaaya Devata Sahita Devi Mahatmyam during this year’s Maha Shivaratri. 

In March, we also did Laksha Chandi Yagna Yātrā to Varanasi for performing Chandi homam in the place where our Sri Gurus have lived or did their Atma Sadhana. We were immensely blessed to do the Devi Mahatmyam parayanam on the Bhoumaswini day right inside the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Chakralingeswara consecrated by Bhaskararāya.

In April, during the Vasanta Navaratri, we conducted the second Akhanda Navaratri Mahotsavam – ten days and ten nights of continuous prayer to Devi and logging close to 5,000 Devi Mahatmya parayanams during this time. All BPA disciples across the world joined together to complete this Akhanda parayanam without a slightest glitch. 

In July, for the Āshādha Navaratri 2021, Maha Vārāhi was celebrated and after completing 465 Chandi Homams in various locations in India for Laksha Chandi Sankalpam, we travelled to Canada to continue performing the Homams for the Laksha Chandi. With apāra karuna of Guru mandalams and Sri Chandika Mahalakshmi, we were able to complete 117 Chandi Homams by the end of August, just in Toronto -- a Sahasrachandi in itself! 

Our Canada, East Coast, Midwest, Florida and West coast USA disciples did an exemplary job hosting the Devi Mahatmyam parayanams and the Laksha Chandi Homams since then. With everyone’s support, we have now completed 792 Chandi Homams towards Laksha Chandi sankalpam. In all the pujas and homams, we could see the participation of our disciples chanting the Devi Mahatmyam with great faith and devotion. We feel the presence of Devi and Her guiding hand in everything that takes place.

On Nov 15th 2021 at 4.28PM PST - in a mere 450 days- we completed 100,000 parayanams, in what seemed initially as an utterly impossible and an incredibly futile target to pursue. It is serendipitous that on the Uttana Ekadashi day when Lord Vishnu would wake up from his yoga Nidra, the completion of the 1 lakh parayanams took place! This collective effort, dedication and the shraddha of our disciples and other Mandalis, have helped us complete the laksha parayanams. Each one of you with your parayanam contributions have enabled us all to work towards Loka Kalyana.

Soon after we completed the 100,000 parayanams, it was a pure serendipity that we could perform Chandi homam with Ashthothra Suvasini Pooja at the VVGC Temple in San Martin, CA which also has a Goshala. Just as we were getting ready, a calf was born! 

While Laksha Chandi related activities were in full swing, we sincerely believe in teaching for the sincere seekers and we continued our Vedic Curriculum and started Kids Curriculum classes this year. We completed teaching the Taittiriya Upanishad followed by stotrams like Guru and Tripura Sundari Prātah samaranam, Dakshinamurthy stotram, Devi Vaibhava Ascharya Ashtottram, Lalitha Sahasranamam & Trisati. We also focussed our efforts on teaching Sri Rudram and materials from the BPA curriculum for those who have gotten the deeksha from our Guru Parampara. Inspired by the global community’s response to our Devi Mahatmyam 2020 classes and with our desire for learning to continue so we can reach more students across the world, in Gurukula style, at their own pace, we released the Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram Mobile App. It is so heartening to hear from so many how this App is making the learning so much easier. 

Beginning January 2022, we will be teaching through our YouTube channel and Facebook page, Adi Shankaracharya’s Soundaryalahari set to melodious raagas and a few more important stotras on Devi as given in the Tantras. Please subscribe to our You Tube channel and join our Telegram channel receive notification when the classes are scheduled.

This year has been a one-of-a-kind journey filled with uncertainties for all of us. When we started teaching the Devi Mahatmyam online early 2020, we honestly had no inkling of the events that were to unfold! With thousands of students learning, hundreds of the Ashram Volunteers stepped up enthusiastically to mentor these eager students. Later when we took the Sankalpam for Laksha Chandi, we were intimidated by the enormity of what we had undertaken, especially because there was no precedent of a similar endeavor to instill hope in our hearts, at least in recent history. The infinite mercy and grace of Our Guru mandalam and Chandi Mahalakshmi have been with us every step of the way. They took the responsibility for us. As we welcome the new year, we pray for the continued mercy and blessings and the well being of the entire world. 

May the New Year be filled with joy and contentment. May the blessings of Sri Guru and Devi be on us every moment. May the vibrant power of mantras protect and inspire us. May our minds lead us to tread on the Dharmic path!

सर्वे जना: सुखिनो भवन्तु।

100,000 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams completed!!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!


We are very happy - elated - to share with all of you the reaching of a momentous milestone in our Laksha Chandi odyssey. We started to traverse this uncharted territory on Aug 22nd, 2020.

On Nov 15th 2021 at 4.28PM PST - in a mere 450 days- we completed 100,000 parayanams, in what seemed initially as an utterly impossible and an incredibly futile target to pursue. It is serendipitous that on the Uttana Ekadashi when Lord Vishnu would wake up from his yoga Nidra, the completion of the 1 lakh parayanams took place!

The fruition of this lofty sankalpam  of Laksha Chandi is undoubtedly due to the benevolent blessings of the Guru Mandala, Sri Chandi Mahalakshmi and the earnest efforts of our Disciples and Devi Upasakas all over the world. We are humbled and filled with gratitude for this unstinting support, worldwide.

To put the scope of the sankalpam in perspective, to complete 100,000 parayanams assuming each parayanam takes approx 2 hours 30 mins, we will need 250,000 hours which is 10416 days or 28.53 years! Two people doing  parayanam continuously for 24 hours would take a full 14 years to complete it! This Laksha Chandi is a beautiful example of what collective synergy for common good can accomplish. Close to 17,000 times Parayanam submissions were made by BPA disciples and devotees around the globe!

This Laksha Chandi has been a one-of-a-kind journey filled with uncertainties for all of us. When we started teaching the Devi Mahatmyam online early last year, we honestly had no inkling of the events that were to unfold!. With thousands of students learning, hundreds of the Ashram Volunteers stepped up enthusiastically to mentor these eager students. Later when we took the Sankalpam for Laksha Chandi, we were intimidated by the enormity of what we had undertaken, especially because there was no precedent of a similar endeavor to instill hope in our hearts, at least in recent history. The infinite mercy and grace of Our Guru mandalam and Chandi Mahalakshmi have been with us every step of the way.

It was and it still is so heartening to see so many disciples doing online (Youtube) and offline (individual) parayanams. When we hear of disciples doing 2-3 parayanams a day, or disciples squeezed for time with their family and work commitments still managing to do parayanams, or when disciples from other Mandalis tell how they are getting so used to daily chanting of Devi Mahatmyam that they want us to continue that tradition even after Laksha Chandi, it just moves and humbles us. 

This collective effort, dedication and the shraddha of our disciples and other Mandalis, have helped us complete 100K parayanams. Each one of you with your parayanam contributions have enabled us all to work towards Loka Kalyana.

Traditionally 10,000 Chandi Homams are required to complete the Laksha Chandi Maha Yagnam, which is difficult to complete in one’s lifetime. We have chosen to take up the alternative method provided by Tantras to do 10,000 additional Parayanams and a total of 1000 Chandi Homams for completion of Laksha Chandi Maha Yagnam.

As we move briskly towards the completion of the 10k Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams for Loka Kshemam and Loka Kalyanam, we humbly request you for your sustained support  replete with strong faith that our Gurumandala and Sri Chandika Mahalakshmi will continue to inspire and guide us.

Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel to get event notifications:

Last but not the least, be sure to log your count through Parayanam Log form

Please check here for details of our next event at VVGC Temple, San Martin, California.

We are very happy to share pictures of some of our BPA disciples who have been regularly doing Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams individually or as a group and pictures of Chandi Homams in various locations since the Sankalpam was taken in August, 2020. Our hearts are filled with gratitude to these devotees for their dedication and support!

संकल्पा: कल्पतरव: तेज: कल्पकोद्यानं - saṅkalpāḥ kalpataravaḥ tejaḥ kalpakōdyānam (Bhāvanōpanishad, Verse 8)

Power Of Sankalpam 

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

With apāra karuna of Guru mandalams and Sri Chandika Mahalakshmi, our Canada, East Coast and Midwest,USA Disciples did an exemplary job hosting the Devi Mahatmyam parayanams and the Laksha Chandi Homams for the last two months. Listening to them -- chanting in a proper, authentic style and filled with bhakthi and shraddha, there are simply no words just to describe the energy, where all chanted as one. We could feel the vibrations of Chandika Mahalakshmi. It is not “us” who is doing it. It is just the divinity activating us to do the right things the right way. 

Last year when we took the Sankalpam for the Laksha Chandi, we did not even know if we would be able to complete the Sankalpam! We as humans have limitations -- what we can do and what we cannot do is largely determined by our thoughts. As limited beings, we also have doubts! We were in so much doubt last year, that we did not even put a timeframe on completing the Laksha Chandi. But Chandika Mahalakshmi as the Para Brahman, as the Unlimited being, resides in all of us, enabling us and doing all the work for Loka Kalyanam. If we have completed more than 94,400 Devi Mahatmyam parayanams -- something that is not humanly possible -- it is only our Gurus, our Guru Mandalam and the divinity all the way running this. 

The 13th chapter of Devi Mahatmyam, where we see the king and merchant getting what they wanted -- what they are seeking is what everyone of us wants in our lives. While the king wants Bhoga, the merchant wants the Moksha. Mother’s love is such an unconditional one that when we ask her for something, she bestows us so much more. Suratha just wanted the kingdom back -- Adya Shakti made sure there will be no enemies, and that he will rule the earth as a Manu and be blessed with the Sayujyam at the end!

Bhavanopanishad from the Atharva Veda says that our Sankalpas or resolutions are like wish granting trees (Kalpa Taru) and the energy of mind where our resolutions thrive is the garden of numerous wish granting trees. Our Sankalpa this year is mainly towards health and prosperity across the world. When all of us offer our Prarthana with the sankalpam of global welfare, it creates synergy of the minds, getting us all closer to realizing global wellbeing very soon.

With the Sarada Navaratri just around the corner, we are excited to share the plan and schedule. The program will start with the Aradhana Celebration of our Guru Sri Vimarshananda Nathendra Saraswati. Every day during the Navaratri, we will perform Srividya Navavarana puja, Devi Mahatmyam Paarayanam, Lalitha Sahasranama paarayanam and Archana, Sri Chandi Homam, and Srividya Navavarana Homam. In addition, BPA disciples across the globe will be reciting Devi Mahatmyam adding beeja mantra at the beginning and a unique powerful Prarthana mantra taken from Sri Durga Saptashati at the end of each of the 700 verses. Prarthana mantras as the name indicates are powerful carriers of our prayers to Chandika Mahalakshmi. We sincerely hope that chanting them 700 times each day during this Navaratri bestows health and prosperity on the entire humanity.  Please see the Program schedule below.

A lot of what we do is just not possible without the unlimited enthusiasm, sincerity and hard work of our Volunteers and Disciples, which constantly inspires and motivates us. Our heartfelt thanks to each one of you for your support and pray to all Gurus and Chandika Mahalakshmi for all good things to all of you and your families. Our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the disciples of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram worldwide and disciples from other Srividya Mandalis. We seek your continued support for completing the 110,000 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams.

Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel to get event notifications:  


Last but not the least, be sure to log your count through Parayanam Log form

You can login your count when you recite along with us during the Chandi Homam also.

Let's all join together to seek Devi’s blessings during the auspicious time of Sarada Navaratri for the wellbeing of the entire universe.

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Laksha Chandi Mahayagnams this weekend September 18 & 19, 2021 in Chicago

Shree Gurubhyo Namaha!! Shree Maatre Namaha!!

With the blessings of the Gurumandala and Sri Chandika Mahalakshmi, over the next two days the 18th and 19th of September 2021 the Chicago disciples of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram will be assisting in conducting Chandi Homams towards our Laksha Chandi Homa Sankalpam .  Last week we conducted the Chandi Homams in New Jersey and as we travel to all the places where the disciples have with great devotion chanted the Devi Mahatmyam, we feel the presence of Devi and Her guiding hand in everything that takes place. She is a veritable Kalpa Vriksha granting every boon that Her children desire. May She guide us out of the difficult times and shower Her blessings of good health and prosperity on all of us.

Please find the schedules with You tube links here:


कलौ चण्डी विनायकौ - Kalau Chandi Vinayakau

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

With apāra karuna of Guru mandalams and Sri Chandika Mahalakshmi, we were able to complete 117 Chandi Homams in the last 48 days just in Toronto. When we planned for doing Chandi Homams in Toronto for Laksha Chandi Sankalpam in July 2021, little did we know that we would be completing 100 + Chandi Homams within a span of 48 days in Toronto - a Sahasrachandi in itself!

Our heartfelt gratitude to all the disciples in Toronto for all the support and enthusiasm they showed during these Homams, without their assistance at every step we could not have moved further towards our goal.

It is now going to be almost a year since we took the Laksha Chandi Sankalpam. It was during Vinayaka Chaturthi in August 2020 that BPA disciples took the Sankalpam to perform 110,000 Chandi Parayanams and 1000 Chandi Homams. Last year around this time, we were overwhelmed with the target numbers and did not know if we had the capabilities to achieve this Maha Sankalpam. But all our BPA kulā from around the world came together and with their dedication and monumental support along with the encouragement and support from Sri Vidya disciples from different Guru Paramparas, today after a year, we are close to completing 90,000 Chandi Parayanams and 582 Chandi Homams.

We will be continuing Chandi Parayanam and Homams towards Laksha Chandi Sankalpam this weekend in New Jersey, USA. On Friday, Sept 3rd at 6PM EST, we will be doing Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam followed by Sri Chandi Homam on Saturday, Sept 4th and Sunday, Sept 5th at 8:30 AM EST. These events will be streamed live on our YouTube channel. Please find the links below to join us virtually and be sure to log your Parayanam count if you chanted along with us.

Laksha Chandi Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam on Friday, Sept 3rd at 6PM EST :

Laksha Chandi Homam on Saturday, Sept 4th at 8:30AM EST:

Laksha Chandi Homam on Sunday, Sept 5th at 8:30 AM EST:

In Kali Yuga, it is said that Vinayaka and Chandi are the two manifestations of ParaBrahman that will give immediate relief for human suffering - “Kalau Chandi Vinayakau”

We will be offering our gratitude and prayers to Lord Maha Ganapati this Vinayaka Chaturthi day on September 10, 2021 for being with us as we make progress towards the Laksha Chandi Sankalpam.

On September 10 at 8AM EST (5:30PM IST/ 5 AM PST/ 7 AM CST), we will be starting with Maha Ganapati Chaturavritti Tarpanam followed by Maha Ganapati Homam. There are 10 important dravyams offered in Maha Ganapati Homam, like Dhoorva grass, Modakam, sugarcane, Coconut, Banana, Rice Flour, Sesame etc. We will be doing homam with 108 counts of each of these dravyams this year.

Sri Maha Ganapati Chaturavritti Tarpanam & Homam on September 10 at 8AM EST (5:30PM IST/ 5 AM PST/ 7 AM CST) :

Let us all join together to invoke Sri Maha Ganapathi this Ganesha Chaturthi day and seek his Blessings to be with us through this journey for the sake of Loka Kalyanam.


Laksha Chandi Homam - July 17 & 18 for Āshādha Navaratri

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

With the blessings of our Guru Mandala and Maha Shodashi Mata, we are very happy to let you all know that for the Āshādha Navaratri 2021, we took the sankalpam to celebrate Maha Vārāhi.

Sri Vārāhi is the fifth of the Ashta Mātrukās. She is the power of Lord Varāha, the boar Avatar of Lord Vishnu. She is the commander-in-chief of Devi Lalitha and she  is also known as Panchami, Varthāli, Dandanātha, Vajramukhi etc. She has been mentioned in almost all traditions in Tantra (She herself has a separate Tantra called Vārāhi tantra). Sri Vārāhi occupies a special place in the Shakti upāsana as she removes the addictions and impurities of her devotees and uplifts the good qualities in them. She has been mentioned both in Lalitha Sahasranamam and in Devi Mahatmyam. 

For this Āshādha Navaratri, also popularly called as Vārāhi Navaratri, our Ashram disciples have been reciting everyday the sacred text of Devi Mahatmyam, prefixing each verse with Maha Vārāhi’s Beeja Mantra in the Pallavam Chanting Style. As we get to the end of this Navaratri, we will be having Laksha Chandi Homams on the auspicious days of Ashtami and Navami this weekend. Here are the details:

Location: Toronto, Canada

Time: 8:30 AM EST on Saturday, July 17 & Sunday, July 18, 2021

Program: Ganapati, Homam, Sri Chandi Homam. Poornahuti will be around 11:30 AM EST



Our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the disciples of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram worldwide and disciples from other Srividya Mandalis. We seek your continued support for completing the 110,000 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams.

Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel to get event notifications:  


Last but not the least, be sure to log your count through Parayanam Log form. You can login your count even if you recite along with us during the Chandi Homam.

Lets all join together to seek Devi’s blessings during the auspicious time of Āshādha Navaratri for the wellbeing of the entire universe.


Announcement: Mobile learning app from Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram launched!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

During the Summer of 2020, when half the world was on lockdown, we decided to fulfill the requests of students from all across the world to teach the Devi Mahatmyam in the traditional Gurukula style. This resulted in the recording of each class of Devi Mahatmyam learning spanning over ten weeks. Through these classes, we were able to reach hundreds of dedicated students who learnt this scripture in a very short period of time and contributed towards that 69,000+ Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams for the Laksha Chandi Maha Yagna being conducted for Loka Kshema. We are inspired by this and want this learning to continue where we can reach more students across the world who can learn, in Gurukula style, at their own pace. 

To this end, we are excited to release the Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram App (both Android and iPhone versions) today. In this app, we have organized Devi Mahatmyam, Veda classes and other lessons into bite sized lessons to complement your learning. We will also be including verse by verse practice for the upcoming Lalitha Sahasranamam classes starting this Akshaya Triteeya Day. It was designed with new, seasoned and young learners in mind for learning, quick reference, and on-the-go practice.

Highlights of the Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram App include:

  • One’s own pocket-sized book for Devi Mahatmyam, Vedas, Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam, Ashottaram, Trishati, and various other stotras  for  on-the-go learners

  • Organized audio, video and text materials in an easy to use interface. 

  • Supports multiple languages: Sanskrit, English, Telugu, Kannada and Tamil and more languages on the way. 

  • Each lesson is organized into book libraries starting with Devi Mahatmyam, Stotras. We will be adding more lessons over the course of 2021 and beyond. 

  • Audio classes organized by chapters and verses to enable incremental learning. You can zoom in the exact verse and replay it till you  are comfortable with it. 

  • Finally, you can stay up-to-date with Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram through the updates section of the app. 

This app would not have been possible without the untiring efforts of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram volunteers. Our heartfelt gratitude to the volunteers for dedicating their time and effort for a great cause. A very nominal one-time contribution is enabled as an In-App-Purchase to access some of the materials; this modest contribution to Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram will help towards creating more content and educational materials in future.

You can download the apps using the links below or search for Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store:

Android App

iPhone App

We hope you try the app and if you have any comments or feedback please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you about your experience with the app. 

We offer this work at the lotus feet of our Guru Sri Vimarshananda Nathendra Saraswati Mahaswamigal. May our Gurumandala and Devi continue to guide us and protect us in our journey forward.  


Raghu & Akhila Ranganathan

Learn Lalitha Sahasranamam starting this May 14th on Akshaya Triteeya Day!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha! Sri Maatre Namaha!

We are very pleased to announce that we will be starting to teach Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram from this Friday, May 14th on the auspicious occassion of Akshaya Triteeya day.

Sri Lalitha Sahasranama Stotram is from the Lalitopaakhyaana found in the Uttarakhanda of Brahmaanda Purana which is the last of the 18 Puranas compiled by Veda Vyasa. It is said that the eight Vashinyaadi Vaag Devatas (the Goddesses of Speech) recited the thousand names in praise of Sri Lalitha Mahatripurasundari, revealed by Lord Hayagreeva to Sage Agastya.

Among the many benefits explained by Lord Hayagreeva in the Phala Sruti of Lalitha Sahasranama, the one he talks about again and again is that the devotee who recites this with pure devotion everyday is rid of all kinds of diseases, apamrutyu or kaalamrutyu and is blessed with long life and all the wealth in the form of materials and good health:

सर्व रोग प्रशमनं सर्व सम्पत्प्रवर्धनं। सर्वापमृत्यु शमनं कालमृत्यु निवारणं।।

During these uncertain times of the pandemic the world is facing, lets all learn to recite this stotram that pleases the Jaganmata Sri Lalitha Para Bhattarika instantly.

This class is open to everyone who is 7 years and above.

The first class will be on Friday May 14th at 7PM IST.

Please register for this class using this link:

All registrants will receive the Zoom links to join the class and practice sessions.


श्री गुरु: सर्व कारण भूता शक्ति: - Sri Guru is the cause for everything!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!


       We are very happy to share that  with all your active participation, we successfully completed the second Akhanda Navaratri Mahotsavam, 10 days and 10 Nights, 242 hours of continuous prayer to Devi during the auspicious Vasanta Navaratri. BPA disciples across the globe and Devi Upasakas from other Mandalis, joined together and recited Devi Mahatmyam, the Glory of the Goddess, to celebrate the Devi during the Chaitra Navaratri also known as Vasanta Navaratri. We are overwhelmed by the response: close to 5000 parayanams during the Navaratri!

In March 2020, when the Corona Virus started afflicting the world, my wife Akhila and myself recited the Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam interspersing with powerful verses like the “Jayanti Mangala Kali” from Argala Stotram and from Narayani Stuti of Devi Mahatmyam. Immediately after, a new batch of teaching Devi Mahatmyam was commenced where more than 2000 disciples started learning. At the end of the classes in July 2020, more than 100 BPA teachers provided teaching assistance to the new students.

In August 2020, we took the sankalpam to perform Laksha Chandi Maha Yagna and all BPA devotees and devotees from other Srividya Gurumandalams started the Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam for Loka Kalyanam. Now, after about seven months, we are seeing the divine blessing of having vaccines which can protect us from the virus. Let us continue our prayers humbly with utmost faith towards the Laksha Chandi sankalpam of completely curing the world from this deadly virus.

A lot of this is not possible without the volunteers, be it Homam preparation and setup in Chennai Ashram, lead chanting for the Akhanda parayanam or the technical help with streaming seamlessly close to 242 hours of parayanams. Our heartfelt appreciation to ~150 disciples who were willing to volunteer any task and complete them. It always excites us when the next generation takes on to these activities and starts participating. Kudos to the kids who chanted the Lalitha Sahasranamam during the Navaratri. 

With Gurunathar’s grace, all together 105 Chandi Homams were performed in New Delhi, Varanasi and during the 10 days of Vasanta Navaratri. Performing Chandi Homams continuously for 10 days in Chennai during Navaratri was extremely challenging due to intense heat and humidity and with no volunteer support from outside due to the current Covid situation in India, but at every step along the way, we could feel the Guru mandalam’s blessings protecting and motivating us to conduct the Chandi Homams every morning and doing Sri Chakra Navavarana Puja along with Lalitha Sahasranama Archana every evening at the Holy adhistanam of our Gurunathar. We clearly experienced the Bhavanopanishad vaakya ‘श्री गुरु: सर्व कारण भूता शक्ति:’

We have completed more than 64,500 parayanams and 465 Chandi homams so far - something that is just not possible without the blessings of the Guru Mandala, Sri Chandi Mahalakshmi and the sincere efforts of our Disciples and Devi Upasakas all over the world.  

Brahmasri Yegnarathram Deekshidar gave the Anugraha Bhashanam on the concluding day, telling how it is nothing but the kataksham of Ambal and the Karunas of the Gurus, that is making all these chantings possible, and humbly requested all of us to continue the parayanams

Please write to us ( if you need any help with logging the Parayanams you participated in, towards Laksha Chandi. Remember, all Parayanams done along with Homams so far can be logged in as parayanam count as well.

Those of you who contributed 108 parayanams or more, would have received an email about submitting a form to get the Chandi Homa Prasadam mailed to your address. We will start mailing out the Prasadams as soon as the situation gets better in India and things are restored to normalcy. As and when you complete the 108 parayanams, you can let us know by logging in your count

May our Guru and Devi continue to guide us!

We are happy to share some glimpses from Chandi Parayanams in Varanasi at the Sri Chakralingeswarar sannidhi (consecrated by Sri Bhaskararaya) in Sri Annapoorna Devi temple and at the banks of the Ganges and the Laksha Chandi Homams at Sri Kamakoteeswar temple in Varanasi and during all the 10 days of the auspicious Vasanta Navaratri below:

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-26 at 5.28.56 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-26 at 5.27.38 PM.jpeg

Akhanda Vasanta Navaratri Mahotsavam Starting Monday, April 12th at 6.00PM IST

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

We welcome you all to join us for the second Akhanda Navaratri Mahotsavam, 10 days and 10 Nights of continuous prayer to Devi during this auspicious Vasanta Navaratri. BPA disciples across the globe will join together and recite Devi Mahatmyam, the Glory of the Goddess, to celebrate the Devi during the Chaitra Navaratri also known as Vasanta Navaratri. All of the recitations will be streamed through our YouTube channel. Here is the schedule (Please note that all dates and times are in Indian Standard Time)

April 12th- 6:00PM to April 13th - 6:30AM (IST)

Sankalpam, Ganapathi & Devi Upanishad, Durga Matruka Nyasam, 7 Rounds of Sri Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam

April 13th to Apr 22nd, 2021:

Laksha Chandi Homam at Ashram: 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM (IST): Ganapathi & Devi Upanishad, Durga Matruka Nyasam, Sri Chandi Homam

Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams: 10AM - 6:30 AM Next day (IST): 11 rounds of Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam by BPA Disciples worldwide

We will also be performing Sri Vidya Navavarana Puja, Lalitha Sahasranama and Lalitha Trisati Archana every evening at 6:30PM at Ashram in Chennai.

With the blessings of our Gurunathar and Sri Maha Shodashi, we are happy to announce that we successfully completed 59000 parayanams. Our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the disciples of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram worldwide and disciples from other Srividya Mandalis. We seek your continued support for completing the 110,000 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams.

Please note that due to the current rising covid cases, we regret to inform you that Chennai Ashram is closed for disciples to attend in person. We request devotees to participate from their homes watching the webcast. All the events will be live on our



Last but not the least, be sure to log your count through Parayanam Log form.

Lets all join together to seek Devi’s blessings during the auspicious time of Vasanta Navaratri for the well being of the entire universe.

Laksha Chandi Yagna Yatra

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha.

Dear All,

As announced in our last Newsletter, BPA disciples across the globe will be celebrating Maha Sivaratri tomorrow starting 6PM IST with Rudrabhishekam and continuous chanting of Devi Mahatmyam invoking the Adhyaya Devata after each of the 700 verses. We are very happy to let you all know that we have uploaded the Adhyaya Devata Sahita Devi Mahatmyam texts in Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada and English onto our Publications page in the website. The Tamil text is being prepared carefully and will be uploaded shortly. This has been possible only due to the tireless, sincere and dedicated work of volunteers who completed the work in a very short time. May Devi’s grace be upon them.

As our father, Brahmasri Yegnarathnam Deekshidar wished during the recent Maagha Navaratri Chandi homams, with the blessings of our Guru Parampara and Sri Maha Shodashi, we are planning on a “Laksha Chandi Yagna Yātrā”, doing Chandi homams in various places in India and other countries over the next couple of months.

We have carefully chosen the places in India having a lot of significance for our Guru Parampara - places where our Sri Gurus have lived or did their Atma Sadhana -  some are small villages and some are cities.

Considering the current health situations, we plan to allow limited attendance for these events for BPA Ashram members but you need to register. Due to current restrictions, only devotees who submit the registration form may attend the event in person.

As always, you can watch the livecast through YouTube at your convenience from your place and you can participate remotely. While our Nitya Chandi Parayanams will go on, we will NOT have any curriculum classes for BPA disciples and the Veda Classes or Support sessions for next two weekends. We will notify you of possible schedule changes for next couple of months by email.

The itinerary for the Laksha Chandi Yagnya Yatra is as follows:

March 13th and 14th – New Delhi.

New Delhi is where our Guru, Sri Vimarsha Nanda Nathendra Swamigal did first Navaratri Mahotsava in a public place along with all New Delhi devotees in 1961 and since then Sarada Navaratri has been conducted in a grand manner every year.

Sri Chandi Homam will be performed at Sri Subha Siddhi Vinayaka Mandir Society, Mayur Vihar, Phase 1, New Delhi .

SATURDAY, MARCH 13th, 2021

4PM - 6.30PM: Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam

6.45PM - 8.15PM: Lalitha Sahasranamam & Trishati Parayanam

8.45PM: Maha Deeparadhana

SUNDAY, MARCH 14th, 2021

7.30AM - 11.30AM: Ganapathi Homam, Sri Chandi Homam, SriVidya Navavarana Homam

12.00PM: Maha Poornahuti

12.30PM: Maha Kalasabhishekam to Sri Lalithambika & Maha Deeparadhana

Please register here to confirm your participation for New Delhi Homam:

March 16th - 20th - Varanasi (Kashi), Uttar Pradesh.

This place is very close to our hearts for a number of reasons. Sri Bhaskararaya did the Prana Pratishta at Chakra Lingeswara temple here. Our Parāpara Guru Sri Kameswarananda Natha migrated to Kashi during his last years to do his sādhana at the banks of the holy river of Ganges. Our Parameshti Guru Sri Ramananda Nathendra Swamigal did the Prana pratishta in the Raja Rajeswari Temple at Hanuman Ghat in Varanasi. Our Parama Guru, Sri Prakashananda Nathendra Saraswathi Swamigal resided at Kanchi Shankar Mutt in Varanasi during 1960 to 1962 doing his sadhana.

All three Gurus were Aahitāgnis, took up sanyasa ashrama and did Sri Vidya upasana until their last breath. While doing their Atma Sadhana in Kashi all three of them attained Samadhi at the banks of the Holy river Ganges.

Please register here for Varanasi events:

Tuesday, March 16th - Devi Mahatmyam Paarayanam on the occassion of the auspicious day of Bhaumashvini (the confluence of Ashwini Nakshatra and Tuesday) in Sri Annapoorani Devi’s Sannidhi in Kashi.

Friday, March 19th - Sri Chandi Homam at Sri Kamakoti Temple, Kashi

We will let you know the details of future Laksha Chandi Homams as and when the venue and dates are finalized. If you are joining us for the homam virtually and reciting the Devi Mahatmyam for homam, please be sure to login that count towards Laksha Chandi.


Maha Sivaratri & Mandala Parayanam

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

We are very happy to share with you the details of the events for Maha Sivaratri this week. That night being the auspicious Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi, reciting Devi Mahatmyam during Sivaratri is equally important for Devi upasakas. Lord Brahma invokes Mahamaya as ‘Maharatri’ in the Raatri Suktam which is also known as ‘महत: ईश्वरस्य रात्रि:’ - the Raatri of Ishwara.

With the blessings of our Guru Mandala and the boundless grace of Sri Chandi Mahalakshmi, for the first time ever, BPA disciples will do Akhanda Adhyaaya Devata Sahita Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam during this Sivaratri. 

Adhyaaya means chapter. Devi Mahatmyam consists of thirteen chapters or Adhyaaya, each of which has a presiding deity or Devata which is a manifestation of Chandika Mahalakshmi. Thus She manifests in the form of 13 different Devatas.  Normally, in a Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam or Chandi Homam, this Adhyaaya Devata is invoked and hailed once at the end of each chapter. In the Adhyaaya Devata Sahita Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam, the Adhyaaya devata is invoked at the end of each verse, making the chanting even more auspicious. Chanting this flawlessly requires constant utmost attention, thus enabling us to stay awake through the auspicious night of Maha Sivaratri!

This Sivaratri, BPA disciples from across the globe will do 28 hours of Akhanda Parayanam of Devi Mahatmyam in this method. We will start with the Rudrabhishekam at the Chennai Ashram on Mar 11th at 6PM IST, followed by seven rounds of Adhyaaya Devata Sahita Devi Mahatmyam parayanam and will conclude on Mar 12th 9.30PM IST without a break. 

The text will be uploaded onto the Publications tab in our website by this Tuesday. Please follow the text and join us during the auspicious Sivaratri night.

In addition, starting from this Maha Sivaratri (March 11, 2021) till the Pournami (Full Moon day) on April 27, 2021 following the Vasanta Navaratri, we invite you all to do the Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam everyday for a period of 48 days so each one of you could do the Parayana for one Mandala.

You can do this either by joining us on the You tube or Facebook or do at your own convenient time. This will go a big way in helping us with the Laksha Chandi goal. If you miss a day for various reasons, you can make up for missing parayanams during that period by completing them before the Mandala ends.

Since all these parayanams count towards the Laksha Chandi, be sure to log your counts.  As always, all these programs will be live on YouTube and Facebook. You can watch at your convenience from your place and participate remotely. 

We humbly request again all the Ashram Disciples and Devi Upasakas all over the world to participate in these parayanams for your own spiritual upliftment and Atma Sadhana as well as to seek Sri Chandi Mahalakshmi’s blessings for the well being of the entire humanity. 


51,000 Thanks!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

We are very happy to share with you all a very significant milestone we have reached in our Laksha Chandi Journey. We started to walk on this untravelled path from the Ganesha Chaturthi day on Aug 22nd 2020. Now, we have completed 50,000 parayanams and 360 Chandi homams in six months - something that is just not possible without the blessings of the Guru Mandala, Sri Chandi Mahalakshmi and the sincere efforts of our Disciples and Devi Upasakas all over the world.  

It’s so heartening to see so many disciples doing online (Youtube) and offline (individual) parayanams. When we hear of disciples doing 2-3 parayanams a day, or disciples squeezed for time with their family and work commitments, but still managing to do parayanams, or when disciples from other Mandalis tell us how they are getting so used to do daily chanting of Devi Mahatmyam and that we should continue this tradition even after Laksha Chandi, that just moves us. This collective effort, dedication and the shraddha of our disciples and all upasakas from other Mandalis, is what helped us reach the 50K parayanams. Each one of you with your parayanam contributions have provided a strong foundation and  have enabled us all to reach this critical midpoint. As we march towards completing the remaining half, we humbly seek your continued support. Let us keep the momentum going and continue our journey onwards.  

Those of you who contributed 108 parayanams or more, will soon receive an email about submitting a form to get the Chandi Homa Prasadam mailed to your address. As and when you complete the 108 parayanams, you can let us know by logging in your count.  

Please write to us ( if you need any help with logging the Parayanams you participated in, towards Laksha Chandi. Remember, all Parayanams done along with Homams so far can be logged in as parayanam count as well.

With Maha Sivaratri just around the corner and with the Vasanta Navaratri soon after, programs are being planned. Stay tuned for more information as we finalize the details.

May our Guru and Devi continue to guide us!

We are happy to share some glimpses from the Laksha Chandi Homams during all the 10 days of the auspicious Gupt Navaratri below:

Gupt Navaratri Homams.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-03-02 at 6.41.27 PM.jpeg

Chandi Homams during Maagha Gupt Navaratri - Feb 12 - 21, 2021

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha.

Dear All,

    After the very blissful Chandi Homams in Bangalore last weekend, we are very pleased to let you all know of the next set of Chandi homams for our Laksha Chandi sankalpam starting this Friday from Feb 12th to Feb 21st during the auspicious Maagha Gupt Navaratri at Chennai in our Ashram. Due to current restrictions, the event is not open to attend in person. Strictly there will be NO Exceptions and Walk-ins will NOT be allowed.

      As always, you can watch the live cast through YouTube at your convenience from your place and you can participate remotely. This is a great opportunity to put together all you learnt in the curriculum classes in the last two months to practice.

Please note the change in our Class schedules :

Deeksha Curriculum Classes: While our Nitya Chandi Parayanams will go on, we will NOT have any classes for Deeksha curriculum until Feb 21st. 

Veda Curriculum Classes: Veda class Support Sessions will be conducted only in the evenings on Saturdays at 7PM IST and Veda class will be conducted as usual on Sundays at 7PM IST.

Classes will resume after this event and further updates on them will be emailed to all the registrants.

Chandi Homam Schedule  from Feb 12th to Feb 21st:

8AM IST: Sri Chandi Homam

12.30PM IST: Maha Poornahuti

Let us all join together virtually to invoke and celebrate the Parãsakti during the auspicious Māgha Navaratri days!


Vedic Curriculum & Kids Curriculum Starting soon!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram is delighted to announce the commencement of Vedic and Kids Curriculum!

Vedic Curriculum: No prerequisites are  necessary for joining these classes. We encourage children to join. Sri. Raghu Ranganathan will be teaching the Vedic lessons online starting Sunday, the 20th of December at 7PM IST (5:30 AM PST/ 8:30 AM EST).

Sri Raghuji is the senior disciple of His Holiness Sri Sri Vimarshananda Nathendra Saraswathi Swamigal, an exemplary Vedic Scholar and the foremost of Sri Vidya exponents.  He is the founder of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram, Chennai. When he was only 7, Sri Raghuji was rigorously trained in the Vedas by his Guru and grandfather in the traditional Gurukula system of learning. 

Sri Raghuji's consummate  training  both in the Vedas and the Sri Vidya tradition, is a rare achievement in itself because of the vastness of each branch of learning. As a teacher Raghuji, balances a strict adherence to the perfect enunciation of the Vedic mantras with an enormous patience to cater to learners with varying abilities. His passion for teaching the Vedas and Sri Vidya texts is  well-known to many.

The  online Vedic classes by Sri Raghuji come at the behest of several eager and passionate requests made by scores of people who for several years now have watched his YouTube videos on teaching the Vedas: Sri Rudram, Chamakam, Suktams and the Upanishads. 

Kids curriculum: Children will be learning simple Sanskrit Stotrams with focus on correct pronunciation of Sanskrit alphabets. The starting date and time of Kids Curriculum and stotrams classes will be announced to all registrants for our classes.

Class links will be sent to all registrants as soon as they register.

These online Veda and Stotrams classes will be conducted once a week. Each class will be recorded and available for later viewing for students who miss any session.

If you are interested to join, please submit the Registration Form here:


Our gratitude!

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!


We have no words to describe our gratitude to all of you for your support in conducting this year’s Sharad Navaratri Mahotsavam.

It is our pure blessing that we started our event on 15th October with the Aradhana Celebration of our Guru Sri Vimarshananda Nathendra Saraswati, celebrated the Vardhanti of our Parama Guru Sri Prakashananda Natha on Maha Ashtami and culminated on 31st October with the Aradhana Celebration of our Parameshti Guru Sri Ramananda Natha.

Only our Gurumandala’s blessings made this year’s Navaratri celebrations unique in many ways.

Akhanda Devi Puja: For the first time ever, we did Akhanda Devi Puja for the entire duration of Navaratri. BPA devotees world wide participated in this continuous prayer for 240 hours without a break. The dedication, sincerity and commitment of BPA disciples is extraordinary. Together in these 10 days, 101 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams were recited and 116 Chandi Homams were performed by 12 Ritwiks during the 10 days of Navaratri without a break.

 Just a quick recap of programs from the  Chennai Ashram. Every day started with Puja for Chandiika Mahalakshmi, Chandi Homam with around 12 Ritwiks, Rudra Abhishekam, Guru Paada Puja with Sundari Garbhita Purusha Suktam and Srisuktam, Maha Yaga Krama and Sri Vidya Navavarana Puja. At the end of morning Navavarana Puja, Vidwan Sri R K Shriram Kumar rendered Sri Kamalamba Navavarana Kritis as part of Sangeeta Seva.

 Every day evening program started with Sri Vidya Navavarana Puja followed by Devi Vaibhava Ascharya Astottaram, Lalitha Sahasranama, Lalitha Trishati Archana and Sangeeta Seva was performed. Evening Archana and Sangeeta Seva was led by Smt. Bhanumathi Vishwanath.

Immediately after the conclusion of Pujas and Homam every day morning, BPA India disciples rendered two Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams, followed by two Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams by BPA USA Midwest devotees. Following this, evening Puja and Archana was performed in Chennai Ashram at the end of which BPA Mid Atlantic devotees took over and performed four Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams followed by BPA Canada Devotees reciting two Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam. At the end of this, it was time for Chennai Ashram to commence Sri Chandi Homam.

To co ordinate this 24 hours of Homam, Pujas and Paarayanam was a big challenge. But more incredible was performing the above program without a single break for more than 240 hours. The concluding Devi Mahatmyam Paarayanam was performed by BPA Bay area disciples. At the end of this we performed Guru Pada Puja as our humble offering and gratitude to our Guru Mandala and Maha Shodashi Devi for making the impossible happen.

Bhavanopanishad says ‘चिन्तित कार्याणि अयत्नेन सिद्धयन्ति’ (chintita kAryaNi ayatnEna sidhyanti) meaning our planned tasks will happen without effort, but I should say that Shree Devi grants  much more than one can think of. Devi and Gurus made the normally impossible events possible and that too without any obstacle..

No event of this magnitude can happen without the self less and tireless service of our volunteers. Right from arranging materials for Homam, performing Homam with sincerity, commitment and devotion, scheduling Paarayanam chanters from entire BPA family around the world, managing the live streaming continuously for more than 240 hours, managing situations due to electricity and network issues. Kudos to all the back up chanters who pitched in seamlessly when the main chanter faced connectivity issues.

Due to the current Coronavirus situation, all BPA devotees could watch from their homes the entire 240 hours of prayers. Our special gratitude to the BPA Technical team for their long hours of diligent work to ensure devotees are able to participate continuously in all the programs.

Our gratitude and blessings to the entire BPA team for planning and executing this 240 hours Akhanda Puja with high level of perfection. Hearty congratulations for a job very well done!

Ayuta Chandi Homam: The second significant event this Navaratri is the completion of Ayuta Chandi Homam as part of the Laksha Chandi Homam.

With the blessings of our Guru Parampara and Chandika Mahalakshmi, we took the sankalpam to perform Laksha Chandi Maha Yagnam this year on the auspicious Vinayaka Chaturti day.

This Ayuta chandi is very special for all of us in Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram. I would like to share with you an interesting event that happened in 2015.

During 2015, we had around 20 disciples who chanted Devi Mahatmyam and we had 65 Parayanam sessions in different devotees’ houses as part of the Sahasra Chandi homam. In one of the sessions, when I was reciting the Sahasra Chandi sankalpam, I mentioned wrongly Ayuta Chandi instead of Sahasra Chandi. Then the devotees around me mentioned that we should perform Ayuta chandi immediately and in the spur of the moment, I mentioned that with Her grace we will perform in 2020.

Performing the Ayuta Chandi requires more than 10,000 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams and I did not think this was achievable so dropped the idea.

 As Kalidasa says in Kumara Sambhava, न ईश्वर व्याह्रृतय: कदाचित् पुष्णन्ति लाेके विपरीतं अर्थं (na eswara vyAhrtaya kadAchit, pushNanti loke vipareetam artham) which means the words uttered by sages and divine people become true. When I ponder over this verse from Kalidasa, I realize the magnitude of this statement.

On this day when I said Ayuta Chandi in Sankalpam, I thought it was a mistake made by me but it was said in the presence of divine souls. We were in the presence of our Gurus, Sri Gnanananda Teertha Swamigal, My father Sri Yegnarathnam Dikshithar , Guru Padukas of Swami Gnanananda of Tapovanam, Swami Haridhoss Giri of Tennangur and our Guru Sri Vimarshananda Natha Swamigal. Also Sri Gnanananda Teertha Swamigal was doing Sri Chakra Navavarana Puja at that time.  This shows that even when an ordinary person like me utter words in front of divine souls, they become true.

Wholehearted Support: The third significant thing I want to share with you is the overwhelming support BPA we are receiving from all the Sri Vidya Mandalis in Chennai and other parts of the world. With the full support of BPA disciples and disciples from other Mandalis we have completed close to 22,800 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam as of now.  We pray to Chandika Mahalakshmi for the continued support of everyone to complete the 110,000 Parayanam as early as possible.

Our heartfelt thanks to each one of you for your support and pray to all Gurus and Chandika Mahalakshmi to bestow all good things to all of you and your families.

Our task doesn’t end here, we still have 87K Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams to complete. BPA disciples around the world have come together and will be reciting Devi Mahatmyam every day morning 5:30AM and 6PM IST through our

YouTube: and

Facebook page

We request everyone to support them and join them so your Parayanam gets counted to the Laksha Chandi Maha Yagnam. Please be sure to read to Frequently Asked Questions to understand the procedure to join.


Akhanda Sharad Navaratri Mahotsavam Starting Saturday, Oct 17th at 6:30 AM IST

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha!

We welcome you all to join us for the Akhanda Navaratri Mahotsavam, 240 hours of continuous prayer to Devi during this auspicious Sharad Navaratri! Here is the Navaratri Schedule.

Daily Schedule from Oct 17th, 2020 to Oct 26th, 2020

6.30 AM to 9:30 AM (IST) : Ganapathi & Devi Upanishad, Durga Matruka Nyasam, Sri Chandi Homam

9:30 AM to 12:30 PM (IST) : Rudrabhishekam, Guru Paduka Puja, Sri Vidya Navavarana Puja

12:30 PM - 6 PM (IST) : Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam by BPA Disciples worldwide

6 PM - 8.30 PM (IST) : Sri Vidya Navavarana Puja, Lalitha Sahasranama & Trishati Archana, Mangalaarati

8.30 PM - 6 AM (IST): Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam by BPA Disciples worldwide

With the blessings of our Gurunathar and Sri Maha Shodashi, we are happy to announce that we successfully completed the Eka Dina Sahasra Chandi Parayanam last week. Devotees across the world joined this effort and together we completed more than 1000 Devi Mahatmyam Parayanams in one day! 

Our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all the disciples of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram worldwide and disciples from other Srividya Mandalis who were instrumental in making this event a success.

With more than 13,000 parayanams completed, we will be performing the First Ayuta Chandi Homam as part of the Laksha Chandi Maha Yagnam during this Sharad Navaratri.

This year’s Navaratri Mahotsavam started with Aradhana of Sri Vimarshananda Nathendra Saraswati Mahaswamigal which was telecast live on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Starting tomorrow Oct 17th, 2020, we will start Sri Sharad Navaratri Mahotsavam. Our Ashram Disciples and Devi devotees across the world will join together to pray to the Divine Mother non-stop for all the 10 days from October 17th to 26th, which means 240 hours of continuous prayer

As part of the Akhanda Devi Puja, every day will include Upanishad Parayanam, Sri Chandi Homam, Rudrabhishekam, Guru Paada Puja, Sri Vidya Navavarana Puja and Laliltha Sahasranama, Trishati Archana at the Holy Adhisthnam of Sri Sri Vimarshananda Nathendra Saraswati Swamigal and Devi Mahatmyam Parayanam by BPA Disciples across the world.

Please note that due to the current pandemic situation, we regret to inform you that Chennai Ashram is closed for disciples to attend in person. We request devotees to participate from their homes watching the webcast.

All the events will be live on our


through our Facebook page

Please check our website here for the daily schedule of Puja, Homam and Parayanam done by various regions across the world. Last but not the least, be sure to log your count through Parayanam Log form.

Lets all join together to seek Devi’s blessings during the auspicious time of Sharad Navaratri for the entire mankind.