Seminar on Sri Chakra Puja through Bhāvanopaniṣad in Virginia - August 24 & 25

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha, Sri Maatre Namaha.

We are delighted to announce that we will be conducting the first residential Seminar on ‘Sri Chakra Puja through Bhavanopanishad’ in the East Coast, in Washington D.C. area, during the weekend of August 24 & 25, 2024.

Śrī Cakra ārādhanā to the deity MahāTripuraSundarī is a sātvic method of worship, comprising three modes or divisions: The first is bahir -yāga or bāhya pūjā (external worship), where devotees worship Devī either in a female human form or as a yantra. The second is japā, the chanting of mantras audible only to the person reciting them. The third mode is antar-yāga or internal worship, where the sādhakā or practitioner meditates upon the divine for extended periods without being distracted by external thoughts or disturbances.

The detailed method of internal worship is elaborated in the Vedic text Bhāvanopaniṣad. Our Kula-Guru, Śrī Bhāskararāya Makhīn, has provided a comprehensive instructional guide to this internal worship, known as the Bhāvanopaniṣad Prayoga Vidhi or Mahāyāga-Kramaḥ. The Mahāyāga-Kramaḥ has the vaiśiṣtyam (special distinction) of combining all the modalities of Śrī Cakra ārādhanā: bãhya-puja, nyāsa, japā and antar-yāga along with bhāvanā (mindful contemplation); and delivering the benefits thereof. In this text, the entire Sri Chakra Puja is intricately mapped onto the human body.

During the Seminary retreat, we will explore the insights of the Vedic text Bhavanopanishad through the commentary written by Sri Bhaskararāya Makhin.

Our Guru, Śrī Śrī Vimarśānandanāthendra Saraswatī Swāmigaḷ, devoted the last 15 years of his physical presence on this Earth to the Bhāvanopaniṣad Prayoga Vidhi. He considered it the simplest and most effective method to gain the divine grace of the guru maṇḍala and MahāTripuraSundarī.

All participants of the Seminar will receive our recently published illustrated translation of Sri Bhaskararaya’s commentary and application treatise (Prayoga Vidhi) on the Bhavanopanishad. This book will be a useful companion to apply the learning from the Seminar for regular sādhana.

Please register using the form given in the Flyer below as early as possible to reserve your spot.

Here are some comments we received from the participants of the Seminar held in the Bay Area last month. May Devi bless us with many more such immersive events.

“…so much gratitude to Gurus. Anna and Manni, thank you for the really engaging and immersive day of Mahayagakrama - even during my drive back my mind was trying to see examples of triads and practice bhavana of devata energy. Thank you for all the examples and practical ways to approach this study. Heartfelt thanks to you both ”

“Every second of this seminar was enlightening.”

“Every second of the seminar felt like we are making right use of the time space construct.”

“The Bhavanopanishad Prayoga Vidhi has taken on another dimension when it’s chanted now.”