Lalitha Sahasranamam and Trisati Stotra Parayanam

Sri Gurubhyo Namaha! Sri Maatre Namaha!

Thank you all for joining the Devi Mahatmya Parayanams virtually from your homes everyday for this year’s Vasanta Navaratri.

We will end the Vasanta Navaratri Vaibhavam online with Lalitha Sahasranamam and Lalitha Trisati Stotra Parayanam.

When: Friday, April 3 - 7:00 AM IST (Thursday, April 02 - 6:30 PM PST, 8:30 PM CST, 9:30 PM EST)

Zoom Webinar Link:


YouTube Live Link:

If you participated in the Devi Mahatmyam parayanam along with us during any of the last 9 days, kindly log in as early as possible at Parayanam log:

Saptasloki Seva on Sunday, April 5 at 7 AM PST (7:30 PM IST) :

Children aged 6 - 10 from all over the world will be singing Durga Saptasloki set in a simple tune 51 times. Please visit to listen and learn Durga Saptasloki so you can all participate.

We have provided texts with meanings in English and an Art material for children (and interested adults) to colour while they recite.

Feel free to forward this link to all your family and friends and encourage them to join in this online event for Global welfare as we hope to get 1008 voices to sing in synchrony the Durga Saptasloki from their homes.

Here is the Zoom link to register for Saptasloki Seva: