Thank you for writing to us.

Please Note: Currently we are assigning one-on-one mentors for Devi Mahatmyam learning, only to disciples who have received mantropadesam/ initiation/ deeksha from Bhaskara Prakasha Ashrama Guru Parampara.

To do a Parayanam of Sri Devi Mahatmyam, one needs to be initiated into the Navakshari Mantra.

If would like to learn the Devi Mahatmyam and and would like to receive the mantra deeksha, please write to us at and we will get in touch with you when mantropadesam is scheduled at an auspicious date and time, following which a mentor will be assigned to you.

Meanwhile, please listen to the Devi Mahatmyam learning videos by the Gurus.

Also, please check out the Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram Android and iOS mobile learning App that was released to make your learning easier

Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram