The Vedās prescribe Pañca Mahāyagñās as essential duties for every individual. These yagñās are Deva, Ṛṣi, Pitṛ, Manuṣya and Bhūta yagñās. Deva and Ṛṣi yagñās are fulfilled through Mantra Japam, reciting ślokās and veda mantrās. Pitṛ Yagñā is performed by taking care of our parents and through offering oblations and tarpaṇam to our ancestors. Manuṣya Yagñā is service to humankind, and Bhūta Yagñā is service to plants and animals. We are going to be combining Deva, Ṛṣi, and Manuṣya Yagñās in this event.

As part of Manuṣya Yagñā in the context of this weekend’s auspicious Śatacaṇḍī Vaibhavam, Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram will launch a three-part service effort in the Northern California area under the banner of Mānava Sevā: Jagatāmupakārakam.   

1.  First, Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram will be providing 100+ Back-to-School kits to underprivileged kids in rural Gilroy area, whose parents are primarily farm workers.  We will be offering these pre-assembled backpack kits to the Gilroy Prep School in Gilroy.  With the help of the school Principal, the supplies will be distributed to the families in the school premises on August 12th between 1 and 3 pm.   

2.  Additionally, 45 school kits will also be distributed to kids in different grade levels residing at the transitional family supportive housing shelter (FSH) in San Jose during their Back-to-School drive on August 9th.

3.  As a continued community-targeted sevā throughout the year, we plan to cook lunch at the FSH shelter in San Jose under the auspices of Bhaskara Prakasha Ashram.  FSH is a transitional home for several  single- and two-parent families who are experiencing homelessness.  This sevā will be conducted once a month, on the first Saturday of every month. Beginning next month, we will have sign-up slots (up to 7 adults or children above 12 years of age each time) to assemble at the facility, to cook and serve hot lunches to the residents, and to clean up after food service.  If you would like to donate or volunteer your time, please visit